Ice Dam Removal

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How does an ice dam happen?

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow from draining off the roof. Ice dams can cause issues when the water seeps into your home and causes damage to your walls, ceiling, insulation, and other areas of your home that should be dry.

How can I prevent ice dams?

Rake the snow off the roof with a special roof rake

Install roof heat cables

Keep the roof cold to minimize ice dams. Upgrade attic insulation to about R-40, plug up air leaks to the attic and improve attic ventilation.

Close up attic bypasses, have about 12 to 14 in. of fiberglass or cellulose in your attic , and add roof and soffit vents

Install a rubberized roofing underlayment under your shingles 6 feet up along the edges, all valleys, and covering all low-pitch areas. This is best done when reroofing.

Safely removing ice dams with a steamer.

If you have leakage from an ice dam and can’t rake the snow off the roof, the best way to get rid of the ice dam is to give us a call to steam it off. A steamer is like a pressure washer, except that the water is hot. It melts the ice away without damaging the roofing. Chipping the ice off with a hatchet or an ice pick can break or puncture the shingles.

Damage to roofing materials caused by the use of blunt or sharp objects is a type of mechanical failure. Most insurance companies will deny a damage claim to your roof if this type of mechanical failure is determined.

REMINDER: Climbing onto your roof can be dangerous.

According to the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons, more than 900,000 people annually are treated for injuries related to falls from ladders or roofs at home. Approximately 550 of these falls are fatal. According to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), fatality is more than 50% likely when falling from just 11 feet.


Don’t risk personal injury and property damage by climbing a ladder and hacking your ice dams with an ax, chisel, and/or hammer.

We can remove ice dams safely and efficiently. We use a special steamer that melts the ice away without damaging the roofing.  Give us a call today!

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Happy Customers

“Joe and his crew have been cleaning the many windows at our brewery since we finished building. Professional, timely, high quality work is what we see month after month. Highly recommend.”

Dave Hoops

“I’ve used Radiant for gutter clean-out on my rental properties and the crew takes care of business quickly, and safely. Excellent service by Joe and the crew. I will use Radiant every time.”

John Herron

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