Hey there! Are you wondering when the best time of year is to give your windows a good cleaning? Well, the answer isn’t exactly one-size-fits-all, but there are definitely some optimal times to get the job done.

Spring and Fall Months

Spring and fall are generally the best seasons to have your windows cleaned. If you plan on tackling it yourself, remember these DIY tips. During these times, you can open your windows for some fresh air and letting in natural light which might highlight fingerprints or smudges which may have gone unnoticed. Plus, the mild weather makes it more comfortable to work outside, and you won’t have to worry about extreme heat or cold negatively affecting the cleaning solution or drying time.

Summer Months

Of course, everyone wants clean windows in the summer with the sun is shining through them. But, summer is the least recommended season to clean windows, as the hot sun can cause streaking and make it difficult for the cleaning solution to dry properly. You’ll get the best results from hiring a professional to clean them, especially during the summer months.

Winter Months

On the other hand, winter can be a good time to clean interior windows since you’re already more likely to be spending time inside anyway.

Best Time to Clean Windows

Ultimately, the best time to clean your windows is whenever you have the time and motivation to do so. If motivation isn’t there or you are too busy, hire a professional. Joe at Radiant Window Cleaning is just a phone call or text away to get on the schedule any time of the year!